Becky 940 x 470

Meet BECKY – Spotlight Story

Becky is one of our fabulous Liberate dancers – aged 36, she lives in Southampton. In between attending our Liberate classes, Becky volunteers for her local Independent Living Centre as well as for a digital helpline supporting those affected by eating disorders. In October she’ll be starting a part-time PhD in Education.  As well as dancing, Becky enjoys writing short stories and poetry, reading and swimming. Becky also attends a large city church and has recently got involved in helping them think about inclusion in the church.

Becky was introduced to Liberate by a friend and since joining she says the classes have boosted her confidence and her physical and mental wellbeing – particularly in these uncertain times.

“A friend recommended the online class to me after her first session and I really appreciated the warm welcome. I was signposted to the group’s YouTube videos so I had an immediate taster ahead of my session. For the first time ever I felt like I had a chance of keeping up which really boosted my confidence.”

Becky loves practising the dances in her own time and is getting familiar with the old favourites and loves learning new routines too. 

“Both the weekly group sessions and midweek workouts leave me feeling energised and uplifted even on the tough days. I love the inclusive feel and how adaptable it is to different abilities and energy levels”

One of Becky’s favourite aspects of the classes is the community feel and the social side of the classes. 

“Getting to know the group has taken a bit of time due to my speech impairment but I love that there’s plenty of time for chat and laughter. Building friendships both in and outside the class, thanks to a strong Facebook community. has had a huge impact on my mental wellbeing.”

Becky can’t wait to see what the future holds for the Liberate group, both online and in the studios post-lockdown.


Join Becky and our community of dancers from across the world, who are tuning in to our online classes and staying active during isolation. These classes are currently free for anyone who would like to get into dance.

Get in touch to join a class.

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