Students 940 x 470

97% of Move Momentum’s students say …

Ninety seven percent of our students say that dance classes have –

    • Helped improve their physical wellbeing
    • Helped improve their mental wellbeing
    • Helped improve their quality of life
    • And helped improve their social support network

At Move Momentum, we’re fully convinced of the benefits of dance – but it’s great to have this feedback from our students, and these are from students from across all the classes we run – from our over 65s GEMS, our youth academy for 9-16 year-olds, and our Liberate wheelchair dancers.

The 97% figure comes from our latest published annual Social Impact Report, for the year 2022. In it we have a few more figures – such as

    • We delivered 221 classes during 2022
    • We had 64 students regularly attending classes
    • And we gave 10 additional special workshops

Of course, we did a lot of other things during the year as well – such as put on a Summer Show, held a Liberate summer camp, and organised a Christmas Fair!

And of course, in 2022, we were still recovering from the Covid pandemic and the restrictions imposed – and so had put a couple of classes on hold. But we’re delighted to announce that these are now relaunching:

    • Liberate Youth – and with an even younger lower age limit now of 7-13 years, following requests from parents – and is held on Saturdays 12.30-1.30pm at Unit 12, Winnall Valley Road.

    • And Winnall Academy – street dance for 9-16 year-olds – will restart later this term, at Winnall Primary School, on Tuesdays, 5.30-6.30pm.

You can come and try all our classes for free – just fill in our class enquiry form.


And you can read all about the above figures in this blog in the 2022 Social Impact Report – but we particularly wanted to highlight the 97% figure, because dance at Move Momentum is all about improving physical and mental wellbeing, as well as having fun.

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