Meet The Team


Amanda 500 x 500

Amanda Watkinson

CEO and Dance Teacher

Lizzie 500 x 500

Lizzie Sawyer

Administrator and Assistant Dance Teacher


Kerry 500 x 500

Kerry Chamberlain

Marketing Officer and Dance Teacher


Keeleigh 500 x 500

Keeleigh Hamilton

Fundraising Officer and Dance Teacher

Summer 500 x 500

Summer Robinson

Assistant Dance Teacher 



We have an amazing group of volunteers, doing anything and everything from helping with admin tasks to assisting in dance classes. We couldn’t do all we do without the support of our volunteers – so thank you, Volunteers!

We’re always on the lookout for more people to join our volunteer team, so if you think you have a talent to offer, do get in touch! You might have a background in dance, or be great with numbers, or fantastic at organising events or taking photos. Volunteering is a good way to build experience and develop your skills – and it looks great on a CV. 

Some of our incredible volunteers!

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Katie Ormrod

Katie helps us out with the PR – keeping the community up to date with all of Move Momentum’s latest news!

She was taught dance by our very own Amanda when she was at school and was also a competitive cheerleader for eight years, so understands the amazing feeling that performing can give.

In her spare time, you’ll find Katie planning her next adventure – last year she climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and backpacked around South America for three months.

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Daisy Price

Class and Event Assistant.

Daisy is a dance graduate from the University of Winchester, and is looking to pursue a career in community dance teaching. She will be helping Move Momentum to begin with by volunteering as a class assistant for both Academies and GEMS classes. 

Daisy has experience working with disabled children and young people, and finds it really rewarding working with people that may not have the same opportunities as everyone else.

Dance has always been Daisy’s safe space, where she can move freely and put all her worries aside and she hopes to share this feeling with others. 

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Joe Arabbetou

Joe is currently studying English Language and Linguistics at the University of York.

He is interested in working within the media, as it ties together his interests in communicating effectively and writing creatively – and hence why he is always happy to help support the Move Momentum social media pages.

Joe is also a big believer in the need to maintain good mental health and has previously been a Wellbeing Ambassador for his college.

“My favourite part about volunteering for the charity is that I get to see how their classes improve people’s wellbeing.”

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Lieke van Putten

Helping with analysis and review.

Lieke has been a dancer with Liberate Dance since January 2022.

In her spare time, she enjoys lots of other hobbies including crocheting and spending time in nature with her assistance dog, Nell.

Lieke helps us to analyse our survey data and reviews funding proposals.

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Clare Coidan

GEMS Weeke Class Assistant.

Hailing from Yorkshire, Clare has always loved dancing (it is often said she is the last one to leave the dancefloor). Only recently settled here in Hampshire and having sold her property business, Clare was keen to immerse herself in the local community and Move Momentum was a perfect fit – combining her love of dance with the charity’s ethos of having fun and socialising, whilst keeping fit and mobile through highly enjoyable dance sessions.

Let us know if there’s something you think you can help with and we also have a list of specific volunteering roles we’re looking to fill on our Work With Us page.  


Move Momentum is governed by a Board of Trustees, with our trustees sharing responsibility for deciding how Move Momentum runs and is managed. 

We have a wonderful team of trustees here at Move Momentum, and without our trustees, we simply wouldn’t be able to run. We are extremely grateful for the time they give, and the professional talents and expertise they bring to the charity.  

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Alana Long

Chair of Trustees

Alana has worked in the arts sector as a project manager, producer and dance teacher for the past six years. She’s worked for various organisations across Hampshire and Surrey, including Hampshire Cultural Trust, SoCo Music Project, Theatre for Life, Blue Apple Theatre, The Point, and Integr8 Dance.

She’s passionate about managing projects with a health and wellbeing focus, and working with adults and children with SEN/D (Special Educational Needs/Disabilities) and in challenging circumstances.

Alana has been involved with Move Momentum since the charity’s beginning, and as Chair of Trustees, chairs trustee meetings and helps out with the charity wherever she can. 

“I am super passionate about providing high quality dance experiences for the community, and wanted to support Move Momentum as I really believe in the ethos of the charity and I love being the chairperson of such an amazing charity!”

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Angela Sims

Angela is Managing Director at Red Tulip Ltd, a leading management consultancy company specialising in developing Rudolf Laban’s pioneering work into the nature of human initiative and decision making.  

An experienced Chief Executive and Company Director, with a professional background in management, personnel, marketing and research, Angela has worked with leading CEOs, boards and management teams across the country. In both the public and private sectors, Angela has helped create award-winning organisations, renowned for their proactive approach to customer and support services and for their effective organisational structure. 

Angela also works professionally with charities as a facilitator, mentor and performance coach.

“I offered myself as a trustee as I felt that the work of Move Momentum makes profound differences to peoples’ lives using dance as an incredibly joyful way of expression.”

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Harry Newton

Harry describes himself as a gregarious West Yorkshire lad in his thirties, now living in a beautiful part of rural southwest Wiltshire, near Salisbury.

Harry was born with cerebral palsy and is now permanently in a wheelchair. He regards himself as having been “fortunate and blessed” to have been able to attend Lord Mayor Treloar boarding school and college near Alton, east Hampshire.

With interests ranging from politics and current affairs, to travel and countryside activities, good food and real ale, Harry describes maintaining quality steadfast friendships as essential, while central to everything is his Christian faith and attending a local church in Salisbury. 

Harry undertook a further education course prior to doing an Open University degree in Politics and UK Relations and volunteers within the politics and current affairs sector.   

Harry has held a number of trusteeships, to include serving on the Strategic and Governance Committee at Wiltshire Cricket Board Ltd, and holding a supporters’ independent voluntary non-paid directorship at Salisbury Football Club.

“I have been involved with Move Momentum since March 2020 and was appointed as a trustee in October 2022.”

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Emily Girling

Emily is a Chartered accountant working as an audit manager for one of the top 10 accounting firms in the UK. Emily has specialised in the Not for Profit and Education sector as this is where her passion and interests lie.

On a daily basis Emily works with charity leaders ensuring they are getting the most out of the charity’s resources with a significant focus on financial sustainability. Emily understands the financial
requirements and challenges that all charities face.

Growing up, Emily personally benefitted from the joy and confidence that dance and the performing arts can bring. Emily believes in breaking down barriers caused by social stigma and enjoys volunteering for charities which are working to achieve this.

“I have been seeking a trustee role for a charity that aligns with my values. Move Momentum fits this

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Peter Brown

Peter is a Mechanical Engineer with vast experience in various engineering industries. He is also a qualified Accounting Technician with certification in AAT Level 4.

As an Engineer, he has the skillset of being very curious, seeks continuous improvement and has high analytical skills.

Peter has also volunteered with various charities in the local Hampshire area as he is passionate about helping others within the community.

In his spare time, he participates in various physical activities. This includes his wife trying to get him into dance!

“I am passionate about physical activity and helping others, so the opportunity to become a trustee at Move Momentum was the perfect combination for me!”

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Chloe Plummer

Chloe has worked within the charity sector for the last seven and a half years.

Chloe has worked for various disability charities and in a number of different roles – ranging from administration and fundraising to more operational roles, and which includes currently as a programme coordinator for The MOVE Programme.

Alongside being a Trustee at Move Momentum, Chloe is also a Trustee for The Accessful Foundation – a national charity working to support disabled entrepreneurs.

Chloe is also involved in contributing to government policy and decision-making that affects the lives of disabled people, as a result of her own lived experience of disability.

“I am extremely passionate about ensuring disabled people are given the opportunities they deserve to live independent, fulfilled and happy lives and am delighted to be on the board of Trustees at Move Momentum.”

Steve Hollinghurst
Founder: Louise Todino
Liberate Dance Founder: Vickie Simmonds

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